
Overtourism Solutions |Be A Tourist In Your Own City!

What is Travel Bug or Wanderlust? Wanderlust or Travel Bug has become one of the most popular words on blogging platforms and social media like Facebook and Instagram! Just run an online search and you’ll know! Is this wanderlust fueled by social media because we are increasingly exposed to the pictures and posts of travelers?

Over-Tourism and Wanderlust

Is Travel Bug a form of escapism? Many people have quit their jobs to travel and blog. Is it because we are all tired of things around us and we are looking for some change? Many people say they want to travel because they want to experience the world.


We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, and other souls. Anais Nin

Overtourism-The Causes

Is Wanderlust fuelling over-tourism?

There are a couple of reasons why there is a rise in tourism leading to pollution, traffic jams, and a backlash from the local residents. One of the recent examples is Venice and Prague. The local residents are unhappy with the rise in rents because the residences are being offered to the tourists at a good profit, this is unaffordable for the locals. In many cities in Europe, locals are unable to find affordable houses for rent because of the same reasons. There are many reasons for Overtourism. One of the reasons is that there has been a general rise in travel. Another reason cited by some travel experts is the rise in social media use. Instagram pictures and stories are fuelling travel. The younger generation doesn’t want to hoard money and prefers to spend on experiences. Travel is one of the most popular experiences accessible to all.

Foreign tourists enjoying the beautiful sunrise at Jal Mahal, Jaipur

The following are the reasons for over-tourism:

  • The greater awareness and information about tourist places among people
  • The flaunting of travel on social media via photos and videos
  • The rise in disposable incomes
  • Increase in promotion of travel destinations by tourism boards
  • “Now or Never” mindset which believes in instant gratification
  • A large number of travel options in terms of travel companies and modes of transport
  • A variety of options to book travel online at the click of a button
  • Pent-up demand due to pandemic years
Foreign Tourists at one of the palaces in Rajasthan

Over-Tourism Solutions

A lot of people advocate traveling in the off-season as an Overtourism solution. In my opinion, this can be one solution but we need to look away from the popular tourist destinations. Traveling in your own city can also mitigate some of the Overtourism issues.

Sometimes we want to travel but commitments and responsibilities tie us down. So what do we do? For a change, try to become a traveler in your own city or places nearby! It’s called backyard traveling. You’ll be amazed to discover the places that you never knew existed even though you have been passing through the street, every day! In spite of living in Jaipur for years, I never ventured inside the iconic  Hawa Mahal, till recently! I revisited popular tourist places in Jaipur like Amer Fort, Nahargarh Fort, Gaitore, and Jaipur City Palace.

Exploring backyard

There are many offbeat places to explore like Sisodia Rani Ka Bagh, Patrika Gate, and even local markets in Jaipur.

Just change your perspective. Become a tourist. That’s what I do too sometimes, by donning a look of a tourist and exploring my city. It’s fun when the street vendors approach me to sell a Rajasthani puppet or ethnic printed shirts, thinking I’m a tourist.

being a tourist in your own city
Exploring my own city! Backyard traveling
Offbeat tourist attraction in Amer- Panna Meena Kund, Jaipur

I have chronicled one of such incidents in this post – Dholak Seller in Sirehdyodi Bazar Jaipur

If you don’t have tourist or historic places in your city, there’s something else you can try. Hit the street and interact with people like street vendors like flower sellers or less privileged people. You’ll gain insights into the lives of people and life, in general. There’s so much life around us that has escaped our attention. We are so engrossed in the routines that we miss most of the things around us.

Street scene from Jaipur- A Flower Seller

When we travel our mindset is different, we are free from the daily grind and therefore, we notice so many new things. This makes travel interesting. Try to explore things around you, and get ready to be surprised without leaving your city! Become a backyard traveler! I’m sure exploring your own city or surroundings, will enrich your life. What do you think?

doodh mandi jaipur milk seller
From the street of Jaipur -Milk Seller

Overtourism EXAMPLES?

Overtourism has been plaguing many cities across the world with a sudden increase in population due to the massive influx of tourists. It causes problems & inconveniences for the residents and the authorities. Traffic jams and long lines are common outside popular tourist places. For example, in the city of Venice, Italy the local residents are around 55,000 but on peak days the tourist arrival is two to three times this number. In Jaipur, the effects of over-tourism are evident when the number of visitors to Amer Fort reaches more than 15,000. Places like Johari Bazaar become chaotic with traffic jams.

johari bazaar traffic jam

Overtourism Destinations

Some of the popular tourist destinations which suffer from over-tourism are Venice, Amsterdam, Bruges, Rome, Barcelona, and Paris in Europe. In India, Shimla, Nainital, Dharamshala, and Mussorie suffer from Overtourism.

Exploring the offbeat locations and views

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.

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This post appears as a part of the weekly photo challenge Wanderlust.

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